Tuesday 26 January 2021


 As a little girl I , once I saw my mom cry

And so to make her happy, everyday would I try

I spent years not knowing the answer is not to kneel

It is to find my god 'within', it is to 'heal'

I spent decades searching for myself

in the eyes of people I love and help

When I saw them fighting their own sorrow

I knew I had to be my own hero

Imploding in love, exploding in rage

I asked almighty to help escape my cage

he smiled at the infinity & intensity I feel

Till I stopped one day. And he whispered - "heal"

And every breeze since then touched me softly

every hush enticed me to its tiny melody

As I saw a tree dance alone in zeal

I let go and allowed myself to heal

And as I breathe in the cure, my heart is lighter

Its as if I could finally stop being a fighter

And I don't have to live for just another day

God has another plan and maybe there's another way.

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