Monday 21 July 2014

The Moon & the Clouds

The night it crooned into my ear,
a song of silence for me to hear

the blue moon danced with a glorious cloud
while it shied away from its gentle shroud

the cloud inclement, was intent and bent
his pure love enticed the moon to relent

but the moon had her moonlight in her heart
and for no cloud would she let it part

the clouds of the day would come & go
but her moonlight wont ever be mellow

sometimes it paled, sometimes it was gray
but its soothing presence was never far away

the light that lit up her lonely night
no cloud could snatch,it had no right

the moon had romanced the clouds someday
'lovers of the night' had left her in the day

her hardened heart was numb ever since
at plights and tragedies,it didnt again wince

could this patch of gray undo the delicate moon
in his fierce embrace,could he make her swoon?

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