Tuesday 28 September 2021



When I was young I knew no fear,
I'll play from dawn till sun would disappear.
Never heard 'beware' in whatever they said
until one day, I saw a drop of 'Red'.
I didn't fathom then that it was the dawn
what puberty would bring, what it would spawn.
I could feel them put my innocence to test,
as I noticed their eyes lingering on my chest
My world suffocated when I got introduced to the Bra,
everynight I have taken it off to breathe 'hallelujah'.
Everyday my dupatta would save me a disaster,
I was the dog and all the Men- my master.
They taught me to be elegant, they taught me to blush
They forbade me to drink or to smoke or to cuss
When I was loud - they forced me to hush
everytime I tried to fly- they asked "whats the rush?"
So I reigned in my song and I pleased them all
Every smile and nod brought me closer to my fall
I felt elated, successful- I had arrived and passed
Till one day , on a deserted street, I was harassed
I gulped it down- and denied my anger
Oh girlie - calm down- it was just a mad stranger
When yet another stranger walked in as my prince
He promised me his name and I never looked back since
I celebrated the illusion of marital bliss & inLaws
Pushed to my limits, still i denied their flaws
Oh It was all about "love",it was all about "respect"
So in all the roles they chose - I wanted to be 'perfect'
And then came motherhood- and it broke my mirage alright
Anger was my day's partner as I said hello to wakeful nights
I would cry, pull my hair & ask- cant you feel my pain too?
and dear husband would sagely say- "relax, this what you were born to do"
Then one day it all stopped- the pretense, the pain, the abyss,
and I started seeing myself and the world -as it really is.
When someone whispered "you dont deserve this ditch"
I started my journey from 'the sad girl' to - "a bad bitch" .
To them all- I declare- as I do to my nearest one
Perfect ? My foot. I wont be. I am done.
Watch out - now this angel has grown a horn
from my ashes, I have been - Reborn.
Not just a wife or a mother or a daughter in law
I am power and courage and mercy and awe.
Its a letter to all those, who in apology will be pining,
beware - I am back & these are my scars shining.

Tuesday 26 January 2021


 As a little girl I , once I saw my mom cry

And so to make her happy, everyday would I try

I spent years not knowing the answer is not to kneel

It is to find my god 'within', it is to 'heal'

I spent decades searching for myself

in the eyes of people I love and help

When I saw them fighting their own sorrow

I knew I had to be my own hero

Imploding in love, exploding in rage

I asked almighty to help escape my cage

he smiled at the infinity & intensity I feel

Till I stopped one day. And he whispered - "heal"

And every breeze since then touched me softly

every hush enticed me to its tiny melody

As I saw a tree dance alone in zeal

I let go and allowed myself to heal

And as I breathe in the cure, my heart is lighter

Its as if I could finally stop being a fighter

And I don't have to live for just another day

God has another plan and maybe there's another way.

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