Wednesday 5 February 2014


A shot in the dark that left him bleeding
An error in judgment that had left him seething
Poor Kim, why did he ever sip in after dark
In the name of incense, ecstasy he was breathing

He had had his lessons but he’d still forget
Honesty wouldn’t always honesty beget
Yet again his heart brushed a potent thorn
Daring and bold while he’d still often get

Hardened twice over by the vagaries of weather
In secret, He’ll search in forests for his Heather
And many a flowers he would see and smell
But none would be pretty as his dream’s feather

So He put up a veneer that the worlds demand
He  flits , feels and plays but all too bland
For the intensity of his love is stormy & fatal
Perpetuity if not eternity is his wish & command

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