Sunday 7 September 2014

Carpe Diem

The night stirs
the moonlight blurs
a realist's view
that's painted blue

a poet's mind
in a world unkind
entrapped in mundane
and wasted in vain

I sat ,yet, once
let go off the nuns
that chain the heart
and restrain my art

then the silence talked
& the stillness walked
as my soul danced
by a tune,entranced

I had missed since long
the nature's song
as the stars & the sky
they had whispered "Fly.."

Tomorrow in the light
I may forget tonight
but in my own way
I"ll "seize the day"

Monday 21 July 2014

The Moon & the Clouds

The night it crooned into my ear,
a song of silence for me to hear

the blue moon danced with a glorious cloud
while it shied away from its gentle shroud

the cloud inclement, was intent and bent
his pure love enticed the moon to relent

but the moon had her moonlight in her heart
and for no cloud would she let it part

the clouds of the day would come & go
but her moonlight wont ever be mellow

sometimes it paled, sometimes it was gray
but its soothing presence was never far away

the light that lit up her lonely night
no cloud could snatch,it had no right

the moon had romanced the clouds someday
'lovers of the night' had left her in the day

her hardened heart was numb ever since
at plights and tragedies,it didnt again wince

could this patch of gray undo the delicate moon
in his fierce embrace,could he make her swoon?

Monday 5 May 2014

Bygone Innocence

The eyes of a child in their sparkling glory
Say a million verses in a lazy story
Of dreams afresh and experiences anew
Of smiles galore and tears just a few

If only could I hold that moment right there
In its sanctity and its purity while its fair
Can I save it before its gone and stained
Can the innocence of that heart be chained?

Don’t I today see in him what I once was?
When i loved and lived and laughed just because
When the world wouldn’t always stand in guard
When emotion and passion wasn’t this hard

In time, So proper and prim do we become
With a heart too small and an ego too plum
Too careful to love and too cautious to play
Puckered feelings, in abeyance, lay

The key to the lock of the tinge is buried
The race to the safety of passivity is hurried
Until we can only be undone by a Twister
That will ‘bang’ our hearts than ‘knock’ to register

Sunday 16 February 2014


100 days in coffin and reborn
the vampire sought new blood
but in the vicinity was nothing new
the same old creatures of the wood

the thirst burned her throat
yet the calm disguise ,a practiced skill
in her poise was a gradual thunder
that prepared her for the imminent kill

wandering she caught a glimpse
Of a creature in a new light
And sensed the blood in his veins,
Rushing hot, to her delight

On her heels, she went close
Only to be maddened by his youth
By the sheer dance in his shadows
And his silhouette so uncouth

A ruthless creature of night
He sensed her secret presence
And moved enough to let the winds
Inflame her more with his fragrance

Breathing heavily she licked her lips
As she neared her delicious prey
And in a swift move he thrust her back
To a tree from where she couldn't get away

Gasping for breath she fought for release
But he held her tight until she’d relent
And then they stared in each other’s eyes
While drawing in each other’s scent

And that one moment of contact
Ran tremors deep down her belly
But her thirst got the best of her
And she aimed for his throat of jelly

Wednesday 5 February 2014


A shot in the dark that left him bleeding
An error in judgment that had left him seething
Poor Kim, why did he ever sip in after dark
In the name of incense, ecstasy he was breathing

He had had his lessons but he’d still forget
Honesty wouldn’t always honesty beget
Yet again his heart brushed a potent thorn
Daring and bold while he’d still often get

Hardened twice over by the vagaries of weather
In secret, He’ll search in forests for his Heather
And many a flowers he would see and smell
But none would be pretty as his dream’s feather

So He put up a veneer that the worlds demand
He  flits , feels and plays but all too bland
For the intensity of his love is stormy & fatal
Perpetuity if not eternity is his wish & command

Thursday 16 January 2014

A Date with the Devil

The devil again seduced her to a date,
asked to set free with him,what she'd abate

set ablaze by the madness in his eyes
she accepted ,but,that was no new surprise

this wasn't the first,but one of the many
again he would deliver her spirit,like no any

drinking from his thoughts,she sipped mystic wine
as he talked of "forbidden, impossible & divine"

He said The fences of her imagination
are the bounds to her powerful creation

mediocrity's vicious pattern and routine,
had enough killed stimulation umpteen

he walked her through her dreams and beyond
and said "your belief is your spell and your wand"

wings of vision are everyday spliced dry,
because fear of unknown wont let them fly

what prevents a rebellion in her was just
for safety, shelter & comfort,her lust

"if only you could put sometimes your angels to sleep 
would I come more often,to nudge you deep

on face,emotions you might fear and hate
but in secret,you do romance the inappropriate

and we'll talk of gods, religions and blood too well
Goodbye for now, but wait for my letters from hell"

and as I opened my lashes to enter the land above
Reincarnated as,with my demons,i was in love

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Carpe Diem

The night stirs the moonlight blurs a realist's view that's painted blue a poet's mind in a world unkind entrapped in mu...