Monday 23 December 2013


As the Viking ship buoyed up across calm seas
An albatross ,huge and white, hovered along the dock
On the vigil , a Shieldmaiden, young and fierce
Searched for hidden dangers,  round the clock

Through years she had been the strongest on board
With strength unmatched and secrets untold
then once she sipped in a whiskey but not too much
for she had a ship to guard and a reputation to hold

Alas, hung-over, she slept and dreamt of land
and by dawn the ship was lost into uncharted waters
Ringing loud alarms she sounded war cries
To steer her ship back ,into safe borders

Fearing destruction by cyclone or a pirate ship
which reminded her of fateful past & gory imagery
but a bigger question that still remained afloat
was: “will her soul, again, be saved by Valkyrie?”

Tuesday 17 December 2013

discovery ,not invention

Let me look at the sky and let me watch it glow
Let me dwell on a feeling and let me feel it grow
Once what was a chaos , is becoming  slow
In my ignorance, let me seek till I know

Of myself and of others the myths that I hold
Through subtle hints would god let it unfold
All I have to do is to wait until I’m told
In simple surrender will I gradually become bold

In the flowers, it is, shall I find my peace
in their melody ,whenever they’re touched by a breeze
in their quiet do they hide the secret of my release
"life is a beautiful flow not meant to freeze"

a hundred spiritual quotes i may read at will
wont ever solve a puzzle that’s clear and still
the cure lies inside, not in a person or a pill
a discovery of self, not invention,meant to fulfill

Monday 16 December 2013

Kingdom of my mind

One day I’ll let my heart choose free
And give in when the devils conquer me
Escape from the sanity that shackles me
For, in this freedom lies my remedy

That day would bring a light of its own
In the kingdom of my mind I would sit alone
When no more virtues I would have to hone
Wouldn’t care if the gods will have me disowned

I see the world and I laugh out hard
Chasing mundane things in life’s broken shard
While forcing me to play their every card
And burning me when I had felled my guard

Calmed by a storm and poised by a blaster
I resign into silence before rendering a disaster
How I wish that a realization should have come faster
Emotion’s a good servant, but a bad master

Thursday 12 December 2013

song of the beast

The sound of a clock
a distant knock
distracted me again,
the sweetest smell
a highland's fell
silenced the noisy lane

Beginning to doubt
what I seek without
In the blackness of the night,
no human soul
could hear at all
the song of the beast inside

Affections galore
friendships even more
while love has been sterile,
playing game of dart
with a beating heart
for its been quite a while

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