Saturday 23 December 2017

Dedicated to the one I love

Amongst the men saddled with lies
I found my truth within & above
In this world so black and white
I found my colour in love

It came with no fanfare
No winds no music no rain.
Sneaked into my pillow one night
and I never felt lonely again

Since then all smiles are kind
all joys are too ecstatic
Life sings to me everyday-
'Oh, this love is so enigmatic!'

Irresistible Iron to my magnet heart, 
an undying battery to my wrist-watch,
a gush of breath to the drowning soul
he is sugar syrup to my butterscotch

A reminder of gratitude when i forget
a pampering parent to my childish heart
a drop of water on a scorching day
he is the song of my dance and color of my art

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