Sunday 7 February 2016

Live a little

When you are born,
your eyes hold wonder
your speech holds magic
your heart holds thunder

you are dear to all
as all are your dear
your tender screams
are complaints,nay fear

then slowly the world changes
and you welcome"age"
once joy was your nature
now meet sadness & rage

With passing days you see strife
and each time your heart becomes brittle
every time you hold back a tear
piece by piece, you kill yourself a little

you lose yourself planning tomorrows
when todays weep a little while passing by
your shredded soul beseeches attention
whenever to be, to become do u 'Try'

and when you will just have a day left to live
would you leave this world with a regret?
what would you remember the most
someone you had or the things you couldn't get?

when life swims by across your eyes
who would it be,in another world,will you miss?
what will hold your heart until the end,
the biggest failure or your first kiss?

To the demons of your own making
would you sentence conviction or acquittal
in all the deaths you die everyday
may you find some moments, to live a little

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