Monday 5 May 2014

Bygone Innocence

The eyes of a child in their sparkling glory
Say a million verses in a lazy story
Of dreams afresh and experiences anew
Of smiles galore and tears just a few

If only could I hold that moment right there
In its sanctity and its purity while its fair
Can I save it before its gone and stained
Can the innocence of that heart be chained?

Don’t I today see in him what I once was?
When i loved and lived and laughed just because
When the world wouldn’t always stand in guard
When emotion and passion wasn’t this hard

In time, So proper and prim do we become
With a heart too small and an ego too plum
Too careful to love and too cautious to play
Puckered feelings, in abeyance, lay

The key to the lock of the tinge is buried
The race to the safety of passivity is hurried
Until we can only be undone by a Twister
That will ‘bang’ our hearts than ‘knock’ to register

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