Friday 27 September 2013


There must have been a time in ur life
when everything seems to weigh u down
when u lose ur anchor over every situation
& get played just like a lifeless crown
when everything takes its "worst" possible form
when every nook reeks of despair galore
when u find ur delicate emotions
being treated like a cheap street whore

when its the end if ur compassion and patience
when life eclipses the fire of ur soul
when tears become ur new best friends
a shattered YOU is what becomes of ur WHOLE

Defeated you bow down to god
only to be beaten, Yet again
lifeless,loveless u beg for grace
but all u get is a lil more pain

 Thats when u stop and think for Once
& cry out loud to the sky- WHY ME
Rise. For this is Your destiny
Tell life, Tell god: “Dare me. TRY ME”

When u fight n fail n u fyt n fail
when u play & lose ur every single card
when it seems like u hv gone bankrupt
spin the dice gambler, play batter, Diehard

For it is you who has been chosen
To do. To be. To get somthing better
and in the process if life gives u heat
It is only to make you shine, Just let her

Let it burn for then ull shine brighter
let ur heart bleed, for it will then evolve
let urself beat your own benchmarks
let urself struggle- it ll strengthen ur resolve

Do anything ,but Quit -dare u not
for life wants a winner out of U
 it wouldnt have tested u this bad
 if it had any frivolous plans for U

Choose to win by perseverance
Choose to make a palace of life's shard
Choose to sweat more even if ur injured
and Choose to Live my warrior, Diehard

Been strong enough, be powerful now
laugh out loud at time's eccentric game
learn not to give a damn to the world
make ‘success’ -ur god, ur love, ur aim

Damn situations- they cant do u any worse
Chuck people-they just sap ur energy and cash
Focus on making a mountain out of this molehill
 Like a phoenix-be born gain from ur ash

let not the world know of- the chaos
that goes about in ur soul everyday
Let them be cruel, mean and unkind
like very dog its their day today

Wait, for your Reign is on its way
& so is ur kingdom & ur crown
All u have to do is hold ur breath
a lil longer than when the others would drown

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